Friday, December 10, 2010

The Black Death

The black death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, it occured in Europe between 1348 and 1350. It is often thought to have been an outbreak of wats known as the bubonic plague. It was thought to have started in China, it travelled along the Silk Road and had reached the Crimea by 1346. From there, most likely carried by insects and on the rats that were often on merchant ships, it spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe.The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30% – 60% of Europe's population, reducing the world's population from what was around 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in 1400.. It took 150 years for Europe's population to recover. The plague returned at various times, killing more people, until it left Europe in the 19th century. The most common symptom of the disease was buboes in the groin, the neck and armpits, which would ooz pus and bleed when breached. This was followed by  fever and the throwing up blood and respiritory problems. Most victims died within two to seven days after infection.The modern bubonic plague has a mortality rate of thirty to seventy-five percent and symptoms including fever of 38–41C (101–105 f), headaches, painful aching joints, nausea and vomiting. If untreated, of those that contract the bubonic plague, 80% die within eight days

Monday, December 6, 2010

3 reasons to turn down a marriage proposal.

1. The spouse doesn't have a lot of money. You cant run a marriage if your the only one bringing in all the income. If your wife is only making minimum wage or doesn't have a even job the last thing you should be doing unless your Charlie Sheen and shes insanely attractive and you wanna get back at your ex is marry her. If she has little or no money your already paying for a wedding and a honeymoon (that's if your lucky enough that her parents even like you) like you gotta think about these things.

2. She already has like 3 or 4 kids and her body is ravaged from child birth. Not only will it be likely that she wont want more kids but you will probably be dealing with her dickhead ex husband whom you would jump at the chance of throwing out of a plane. Oh and shes probably overweight or obese from the kids, in which case you should ask yourself why your even with this women? if your dealing with any of these circumstances just run, okay get outta there run like the wind run like that goofy dude played by tom hanks in that movie just leave, reject her, cheat, whatever it takes trust me.

3. She just ain't giving it up. Bro if your lady isn't givin it up before marriage then don't do it this means she just wants to get freaky for kids in which case shes gonna be pregnant after u did it like twice then shes gonna be overweight after and possibly wanting another, so you get it on again for the first time in 9 month and what happens? Oh big shocker shes pregnant again! Now your not getting any for another 9 months and shes just gained more weight from her weird cravings and whacked out hormone nonsense. Now you have 2 screaming children and a fatty KFC eating wife and you've been laid only like 3 times in almost 2 years of marriage like how sad is that? now, this is common in Catholic or Christian women, who have tendencies for waiting for marriage to get it on in which case your stuck with kids almost immediately, actually you know what don't wait for a stupid proposal just peace right out of that relationship as soon as you figure out that shes religious don't even waste your time just get out you'll be glad you did.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

10 things I am going to accomplish in my life.

1. Graduate.
2. Move out of my parent's house.
3. Move into my aunt's basement suite after aquiring work.
4. Go to colledge.
5. Get a new car hopefully a chrysler 300.
6. Build a hobbit hole, it would be an awesome place to hide and camp. It will be a good place to store weapons and bottles of water for 2012.
7. Buy a Sasquatch costume to screw with people.
8. Get married.
9. Have several kids.
10. Become a firefighter.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Moral Dilemma

Well, I think I would save the Mona Lisa to be honest. I would really hate to be to blame for the Mona Lisa being destroyed there would probly be a hit on me or something crazy like that. And as much as i hate to say it, the death of an elderly woman who i do not know would probly not bother me too much and i would probly be rewarded for saving the Mona Lisa by someone or perhaps could just sell it. Besides the police will not blame me for the woman's death and the woman's family will quite likely be happy anyway because they'll get to recieve their inheritence from her. Like really I could care less about some 92 year old in a museum im sorry its i little bit cold I know but a several billion dollar reward for the Mona Lisa sounds pretty good to me.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rant on taco time and how the bell is the superior franchise

I am so sick of Taco Time man! They got nothing I hate them they're a bunch of fools no one even likes them. They sell they're tacos for like super expensive its a total rip off. The workers there deserve to be shot, urinated on then set on fire. Taco Bell should just launch a campaign against taco time and just burn them to the ground they'd be doing us all a collossal favor. It'd just be like no more stupid Taco Time anymore. And whats with their commercials with that Mexican chick doin the commercials like whats her problem? She like thinks shes all that, its like come on your doing commercials for Taco Time and you think your a model this is nonsense!! If i could I would deport her and her kids (who were obviusly accidents) straight back to friggin' Mexico!! Oh my God Taco Time makes me so mad like look how long this rant is! Ahh screw it whos with me for egging Taco Time on halloween then we'll just hit up the bell after!! Seriusly though imagine working at the bell all bummed out because its halloween and you gotta work all night, but then these awesome people come in and they just egged Taco Time!! Like how stoked would you be? Well probly be gettin some free bell box meals up in there. Seriusly though Taco Time sucks, Taco Bell's way better. We're eggin' those fools!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

top 3 fried chicken joints

This is a hard one but between KFC Church's and Popeye's im gonna have to put Church's first because they have pretty good deals and their service is beyond exceptional I love their chicken the most. I would put KFC third for torchering chickens and pumping them with steroids but I could honestly care less about animal rights at all I just like hittin' me up a bucket of the extra crispy with a large grape soda with free refills free refills for a bargain. Im putting Popeye's last because they ran out of chicken in Minnesota for like a day and that turned the ghetto upside down there was alot of homicides that night which explains all the gunshots that I heard on my way there I dont know wats harder tryin to get me sum chicken or trying to beat the child support system. Like I got 12 kids at home ready hungry mouthwaterin' n s*** thirsty for sum chicken and they were up in there false advertising Im suprised there wasnt any drive-bys up in there I lost 4 of my kids that night cause they starved, it was a sad day in Minneapolis........

Monday, September 20, 2010

What i would change in the past

I would go back in time to assassinate Fidel Castro since nobody seems smart enough to do so. Ill disguise as a bodygaurd by getting a mask to look like the actual dude like in the Mission Impossible movies and then give him a cigar thats packed with c4 so that when he smokes it it blows up in his face like a fat load of ummm..... nevermind but ya my diobolical maser plan willl totally work mwahahahahahahahahah. Its pretty simple i just gotta get the stuff somehow then get into Cuba then kill a bodygaurd then scan his face to make a replica mask of his face, then go chill with Fidel and give him the sabotaged cigar his head goes kaboom then I peace right outta Cuba on a boat so i gotta make sure my towels are ready.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010