Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Public Dispays of Dissafection: My Response

The purpose of this article seems to be to inform the reader of the pros and cons of cell phone use around the globe. The Three main points of this article are the benifits of having a cell phone with regards to if someone goes missing or is lost, if you lock your keyes in the car while away from home, and statitistics of injuries and fatalities involving cell phone use.
Now, the first Two points that the author makes are very benificial, however 6000 deaths and 500,000 injuries caused by distracted drivers is terrifying, as well as the increase in brain cancer by 25 percent since 1973.
Personally I believe that it is okay to use cell phones in most cases, and they are the best thing you can possibly have in an emergency. Movie theatres and classes however aren't the right places for them, and society does have a massive amount of room for improvement with regards to public cell phone use. Everyone obviusly has their own opinions on the subject and in the big scheme of things mine does'nt really matter, but I think that any cell phone use while operating any vehicle should be illegal, and punishable by death, preferebly public by firing squad, ok thats a little harsh a fine should suffice nicely actually. Public places like theatres and schools probly should be allowed to consider cell phone jammers, however if there's
some kind of emergency in one of those places then the person wanting to call the authorities would be in some cases able to sew the establishment. So while I agree that cell phones are the best thing someone can have for an emergency I think that people should work on their etiqette with cell phones.

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