Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journal Entry

In the book "A Child Called It" a young boy named David is bruttally abused mentally and physically by his hellish excuse of a mother. He is horribly beaten, neglected and starved throughout the time that he lives with his parents and brothers. What astonishes me in this story is how david never gave up, despite his arm being put against a stove burner and having a dirty diaper smushed against his face, he kept going, figuring out new ways to get food, or be injured just a bit less. It absolutely amazed me the level of strength and perserverance that he was capable of. Some of the pain he overcame is just incredible, one of the events that really stood out to me was when he cleans an infected stab wound on his own, i absolutely coudnt believe it, it was like a scene out of Rambo!! Seriusly though the things David overcame just flabbergasted me and made me realize how lucky so many of us are to not be horribly treated as a child like he was.

Blog Roaming

Spencer N- Top 3 Ways To Drop Someone

Troy M- Moral Dilemma

Tim C- Moral Dilemma

Macbeth act one

Key points of act 1 -
-Banquo tells Macbeth that he must kill Duncan to be king
-Macbeth dreams about a dagger floating above him
-Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan
-Macbeth murders Duncan
-Macbeth returns to lady Macbeth and is covered in blood
-Macbeth frames the guards for the killing
-Macbeth takes the throne

        If I were to remake a Macbeth scene I would do a more modern version with nun chucks and other modern weapons but I would also have a good fight scene with swords in there too. I would make Macbeth chase a dagger in his dream and not just lay there. Macbeth wouldn't just stab Duncan in his sleep, they would have a duel and have Duncan fall down several flights of stairs. Even though Macbeth has a sword I would make him karate chop Duncan's throat to kill him. Finally Macbeth would have an epic scene of him washing his hands of Duncan's blood.

2 really awesome things

One of the most awesome things  is getting up on a saturday morning, with the entire house to yourself and making a tasy breakfast and a whole pot of coffee with no one else around. Being able to sit and think to myself whille peeling a boiled egg is something i find to be very relaxing and enjoyable.

Another awesome thing is a good violent action movie. Sometimes you just need to watch a bad A-word kick the absolute snot out of some thugs or watch an epic war filled with furious battle cries and some harsh epic opera sounding music, or witness a kung fu master just own like 50 dudes. Quite often a big fat plate of nachos or a box of wings from chesterfried goes together quite nicely with a violent film.